Simple Tips to Optimize CAT Preparation 2020

While preparing for CAT exam, the aspirants must take into consideration certain lifestyle aspects which can affect their studies positively. Take a look at some aspects which are crucial for CAT preparation 2020.

India’s top most management entrance test of the year, CAT 2020, is three months away and the aspirants are already preparing for it. With back-to-back coaching classes and hours and hours of revisions, self-study and attempting mock tests, aspirants leave no stone unturned in CAT preparation. But, CAT exam preparation is a rigorous task, which goes on for months. The aspirants have to devote a minimum of 8-10 hours daily to CAT preparation, which can sometimes make you want to give up. Amid all this, the aspirants tend to overlook certain important things that affect their performance in a significant manner.

Your daily routine can play a huge role in your CAT preparation and eventually in your performance in the exam. CAT 2020 is scheduled for November 29 and it is time now to get pull up your socks. Here we list a few things you need to pay attention to during CAT exam preparation.

Simple Tips to Optimize CAT Preparation 2020

A Good Night’s Sleep: A good night’s sleep is essential for everybody. More so for CAT aspirants as the key here is having sharp memory and alertness. Experts say, it is important to sleep for a minimum of 8 hours in the night to be fully energized, alert and attentive in the daytime. To ensure there is no daytime fatigue, you must fix a time of your sleep. Sleep and wake up at the same time every day. This routine will fix your body clock and optimize the quality of your sleep. The better your sleep, the better you will be able to concentrate on CAT preparation. There’s no point in burning the midnight oil if you can’t recall in the morning what you studied at night.

Healthy Diet: To be able to optimize your CAT exam preparation you have to be fully fit. Along with sleep, you need to watch your diet. Avoid fried and fatty food as they tend to induce lethargy. Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet for protein, vitamins and other important minerals. Dark leafy vegetables, fish, berries, walnuts and food rich in omega-3 fatty acids are good for the brain. Also, avoid eating out to prevent upset stomach or any sort of illness that may hamper your studies.

Recreational Activities: While there is no argument about the fact that you should dedicate your maximum time towards studies, we would like to emphasize that ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.’ Too many hours of solving DILR puzzles and wracking your brain over Quant problems  can slow you down. Take a break and engage in some recreational activity. Listen to music or watch your favourite TV show or take an hour off to play any outdoor game to rejuvenate yourself. Take some time off daily and do whatever energises you and refreshes your mind and then get back to studies with renewed vigour.

It is also important for you to practice some kind of physical exercise to stay away from laziness and lethargy.

Besides these three main lifestyle activities, you also need to pay attention to other small details like your study environment, study table, lighting system in your study room and place and the time of studying.

Study Desk: Make sure your study table and chair are at the right height, which supports your posture as wrong posture can lead to discomfort which can affect your concentration. You also need to ensure that your seating arrangement is not causing back pain to you. Don’t study continuously for long hours. Take small breaks of 5-10 minutes in between. This way you will be able to give rest to your eyes and brain too.

Lighting System: Long hours of study can severely affect your eyes. Tiredness of eyes is common to all of us. That is why your study area should be well lit. It should be neither too bright nor dim. Try to study in natural light as much as possible. It provides a soothing effect which is absent in artificial lights.

CAT Preparation Tips by Toppers

CAT 2019 Topper Interview: Somansh Chordia, 100 percentileCAT 2019 Topper Interview: Rishi Mittal, 100 percentile
CAT 2019 Topper Interview: Saathwik Kolluru, 99.99 percentileCAT 2019 Topper Interview: Rahul Manglik, 99.99 percentile
CAT 2019 Topper Interview: Karan Goyal, 99.95 percentile CAT 2019 Topper Interview: Ankit Desai, 99.91 percentile
CAT 2019 Topper Interview: Romik Banerjee, 99.87 percentilerCAT 2019 Topper Interview: Srishti Banzal, 99.86 percentile
CAT 2019 Topper Interview: Ronit Banerjea, 99.80 percentileCAT 2019 Topper Interview: Karal Maheshwari, 99.03 percentile

Time and Place of Study: Since studying is going to be your main occupation for the next few months, you need to create the right environment for it; free from noise and disturbances. Set up your study area away from your living room where family members watch TV, listen to music or converse with each other. Don’t study in a room which invites noise from outside.

You also need to set a time table for CAT preparation. Experts say, early morning is the best time to study new concepts and solving problems as the mind is fresh after sleep. Post-dinner study time is good for revision and studying relatively lighter topics.

Stay Away from Phone: Last but not the least, stay away from your smartphone, IPad and other gadgets that have the potential to distract you.

Implement these few things and see the result. All the best for CAT 2020!

Henesh Rawat
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