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RRB NTPC Exam Analysis Jan 04, 2021: Check CBT 1 Exam Analysis, Good Attempts, Questions Asked

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RRB NTPC Exam Analysis Jan 04, 2021: Here we’ve provided you the detailed exam analysis for RRB NTPC Exam Analysis of January 04, 2021. The Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) is conducting phase 1 of the RRB NTPC CBT 1 exam. The detailed RRB NTPC analysis of shift-1 conducted on January 04, 2021, are going to be helping the candidates to urge a good conception about the exam difficulty level, sort of questions asked, topic-wise questions, number of excellent attempts, etc. which might be of much help within the upcoming shifts. RRB NTPC 2021 has been scheduled from December 28, 2020, to January 04, 2021, which is happening in two shifts a day . Read the entire analysis of RRB NTPC January 04, 2021, exam analysis here within the article.

Below are the general good attempts of RRB NTPC January 04, 2021 exam analysis which a candidate must score to urge an honest rank. you would like to attain the cut-off marks to seem within the next level for the RRB NTPC Exam 2020.

SectionGood AttemptsThe difficulty level of questions
Mathematics24-26Easy to Moderate
General Intelligence & Reasoning23-25Easy
General Knowledge28-30Easy to Moderate
Overall Good Attempts75-80Easy to Moderate

Get to know the detailed RRB NTPC Exam January 04, 2021, 1st Shift analysis along with our experts through this video analysis. Our teachers interact with the students who came out of the center of 1st Shift and gathered all the important information regarding RRB NTPC Analysis.

RRB NTPC Exam Analysis 2021: Subject-Wise Analysis

The candidates can check the exam review of each subject ofΒ RRB NTPC 2021Β CBT 1. There are three sections in the exam, namely General Awareness, Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude. Based on the memory of the students, data collected by our team, we are providing you with the section analysis of the RRB NTPC Exam on January 04, 2021, 1st Shift.

SectionsNumber of QuestionsMaximum Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning3030
General Awareness4040

RRB NTPC Exam Analysis 2021: Quantitative Aptitude

The candidates can check the number of questions asked from each topic and the level of the question from the Mathematics section wasΒ Easy to ModerateΒ as per the student’s reviews. TheΒ questions based on calculations were very less and comparatively very easy.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Ration & Proportion2Easy
Profit & Loss3-FebEasy to Moderate
Geometry2-JanEasy to Moderate
Number System4-MarEasy
Time and Work2-JanEasy
Simple & Compound Interest3-FebEasy to Moderate
Time, Speed, and Distance2Easy
Mensuration4-MarEasy to Moderate

The Reasoning section was ofΒ Easy levelΒ for, in 1st Shift, January 04, 2021, The topic-wise questions asked in the Reasoning Ability section have been depicted in the below table.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
Sentence Rearrangement1Easy
Puzzle (Linear)4-MarEasy to Moderate
Blood Relations2Easy
Statement and assumptions2-JanEasy to Moderate
Analogy4-MarEasy to Moderate
Coding-Decoding3-FebEasy to Moderate
Odd one out3-FebEasy to Moderate
Mathematical Operation2-JanEasy to Moderate

RRB NTPC Exam Analysis 2021: General Awareness

The level of questions asked in the General Awareness Section in 1st Shift on January 04, 2021, was Easy to Moderate and we have discussed the number of questions from each section included in the exam. The pattern of this section was similar to yesterday’s pattern.

TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
History6-MayEasy to Moderate
Geography4-MarEasy to Moderate
Biology3-FebEasy to Moderate
Static General Knowledge4-MarEasy to Moderate
Polity3-FebEasy to Moderate
Chemistry3-FebEasy to Moderate
Physics2-JanEasy to Moderate
Current Affairs7-JunEasy to Moderate

GK/GS Questions of January 04, 2021, 1st shift.

  1. INC 1924 session?- Belgaum,
  2. UNESCO headquarters?- Paris,
  3. 1857 Revolt?- Meerut,
  4. 11 May?- National Technology Day,
  5. Sardar Sarovar Dam?- Narmada,
  6. Gandhi Sagar Dam?- Madhya Pradesh- Chambal,
  7. Longest Road Tunnel?- Shyama Prasad Tunnel,
  8. RTI ACT?- 2005,
  9. URL full form?- uniform resource locator,
  10. The Godavari originate?-Nasik,
  11. Pradhan Mantri Suraksha bima yojana launched on.?-2015,
  12. Sanchi Stupa?- Ashok

RRB NTPC 2021 Shift Timing

Due to the COVID-19, the RRB has decided to take the exam in two shifts only. Check the details of the shifts in the table below:

ShiftsReporting TimeGate Close TimeExam Start TimeDuration
Shift 109:00 a.m.10:00 a.m10:30 a.m.90 Minutes (30 Minutes extra for eligible PwBD candidate with scribe)
Shift 201:30 p.m.02:30 p.m.03:00 p.m.90 Minutes (30 Minutes extra for eligible PwBD candidate with scribe)

Q. Was there any difference in the exam pattern of the January 04, 2021, exam as compared to December 30th, 2020?

Ans. No, there was no such difference in the exam pattern.

Q. What is the overall good attempt of RRB NTPC 2021 CBT 1 of January 04, 2021?

Ans. The overall good attempt of RRB NTPC on January 04, 2021, 1st shift was 75-80.

Q. How many questions are asked from the Computer section?

Ans. In shift-1, around 3-4 questions have been asked in the exam from the Computer section.

Q. What was the level of Reasoning Section on January 04, 2021?

Ans. The Reasoning Section was of Easy level as per the reviews of students who appeared in the exam.

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