The Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, sponsored by Smt. Shakuntala Educational and Welfare Society, has been established by state of Uttar Pradesh under section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956 vide The Galgotias University Uttar Pradesh Act, 14 of 2011. The University commenced its operation from the academic session 2011-12.
Galgotias University opened its door to the first batch of approximately 1,700 undergraduate and post-graduate students in July of 2011. Now in year 2021, the university has grown to more than 15000 students. Galgotias University aspires to be and is on a fast-track to become an internationally recognized university that excels in multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary education, research and innovation, educating globally competitive graduates with potential to become leaders in their fields of endeavour. The graduates will have deep knowledge within their fields but will also excel in problem solving skills, will be aware of the societal context of their chosen profession, will function effectively in teams, will have good communications skills and above all, be life-long learners.
The 'students-first' philosophy is a big reason why Galgotias University is consistently ranked among India's top universities. The focus of Galgotias University is on low student-to-faculty ratio that promotes plenty of personal attention and mentoring opportunities.
The record-breaking placement at Galgotias this year is an apt testimony to its focus on upholding the highest academic standards right from selecting top faculty, introducing world-class pedagogical practices to personality development of the students.
We have 13 schools, 19 Departments with 53 UG programs 36 PG programs and 25 PhD programs. We have approvals from various Councils [Pharmacy: Pharmacy Council of India (PCI); Law: Bar Council of India (BCI); Nursing: Indian Nursing Council (INC); Architecture: Council of Architecture (COA); Education: National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE); Hotel Management: Norms of National Council for Hotel Management (NCHM)].
This year, Galgotias University by virtue of its meticulous planning and through religious and relentless efforts have been placed in Excellent Band by ARIIA-2021, granted with UGC-12B status, listed in 151-200 top universities of India, 177th in Engineering Category, in the band of 76-100 for Pharmacy and Management in NIRF INDIA RANKINGS 2021 as declared by MHRD. The accreditation of Three undergraduate programs has been granted by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) under Tier (I). Galgotias University is youngest in the country to get such accreditations by NBA. More than 7000 Publications, 200+ Patents Published and many in pipeline.
With around 800 plus faculty members, 3 Academic Blocks having Construction Area of 64,879 Sq. Mt, the university also have in campus five-star Boys Hostel accommodating around 1400 students and off-campus girlsโ hostel to accommodate 200 plus girls.