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IIHMR University, Jaipur has been established and incorporated as a postgraduate research University by Government of Rajasthan vide the IIHMR University Ordinance, 2013 (Ordinance No 30 of 2013) promulgated on September 27, 2013, by the Governor which was replaced by the IIHMR University Act, 2014 (Act No. 3, of 2014) passed by the State Legislature on February 07, 2014. The Act of 2014 received the assent of the Governor on the 25th day of February 2014 and was notified in Rajasthan Gazette Extraordinary on February 26, 2014. It has deemed to have come into force on and from September 27, 2013.
The genesis of the IIHMR University dates back to October 5, 1984, when its sponsoring body, the Indian Institute of Health Management Research (IIHMR) was established and registered as a non-profit Society under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, 1958. The Institute was established with a mission of improvement in standards of health through improve management of health care and related programmes through management research, education, training, consultation, and institutional networking in a national and global perspective IIHMR successfully created and established a new discipline of health management in the country. Over the last 36 years, IIHMR has established itself as a unique research, education and training organization in India and Southeast Asian Region. After having pursued the cause of management research, academics, and capacity building exclusively in the health sector for about three decades, the institute submitted a proposal before the State Government under the guidelines for the establishment of private universities by separate Act. The proposal of the university was accepted by the government.