There are a lot of options one can opt for in case if he/she does not attain the target scores in CAT exam. One needs to understand that it is important to find an opportunity in every situation irrespective of the results. That includes choosing alternative colleges that accept a wide percentile range and identifying other entrance exams that might assist in the admission to the desired college.
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If it happens that you have a below-par performance in your CAT exam despite having studied hard, donโt worry there are other ways available to get admission. Most of the colleges accept different entrance exam score. If you get fewer marks in CAT, then do not worry and give different entrance tests whose marks are considered in that college. If your dream college does not accept any other entrance exam score then make sure to enrol for CAT exam next year and give 100% on that attempt, so that you get admission smoothly. Usually, it happens that some aspirants get frustrated that even after studying hard; they did not get a high score. Do not panic, you still have a chance to enrol next year rather than taking admission in any average college.
Consider a scenario where there are two people who opt for CAT exam, Person A and Person B. Both have scored less than they desired. Person A thinks that it will be wastage of 1 year if he/she wants to get in his/her dream college and takes admission in average college. On other hand, Person B thinks he/she can study hard and can achieve the score to enter the dream college and can wait for another year rather than taking admission in average college. In a span of 1 year, he/she studies hard and does an internship or some certification course, which would help him/her in the future. As we can clearly see the difference in the thought process of Person A, which is limited., However, person B sees that 1 year as an opportunity to learn new things. Therefore, it is totally based on your thought process.
How to shortlist good MBA colleges that accept different percentile ranges?
Whenever you are shortlisting colleges, first check their affiliation. Many colleges accept different entrance exam scores, therefore, in that case, as mentioned before, check their affiliation and then check their mandatory disclosure form. This document will give you all the information about that college. The major concern about choosing a college is the package offered for final placement. Therefore, from this document, you will get to know in detail, the placement record. This will help you in making a decision about keeping this college on your list.
Suggestions on increasing your score
For getting more marks in the exam, there is only one thing, which is hard work. If there is any section of the exam in which you are not that good, then practice as much as possible. Try to come up with your own trick to solve some question.
Other exams to improve the chances of admission in a good MBA college
Therefore, there are various types of entrance tests apart from CAT. Mostly. People think that colleges only accept CAT score but in reality, several colleges accept other entrance test scores as well. If there is a situation where you have scored fewer marks, check whether that college accepts any other test scores or not and appear for that as well. This should be done prior only while shortlisting colleges, which will give a clear idea about which test to appear. Therefore, complete your research before shortlisting colleges