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The recruitment exam for Patent and Designs Examiner is designed to assess candidates for their suitability to work in the field of intellectual property, specifically in the examination of patents and designs. Patent and Designs Examiners play a crucial role in the protection of intellectual property rights by evaluating and granting patents and design registrations. These professionals work within government agencies or patent offices to ensure that inventions and designs meet the necessary criteria for legal protection.
The admit card for the recruitment of examiners of patents and designs has been made available by the National Testing Agency. Candidates can access and download the admit card for the Patent and Designs Examiner Recruitment exam 2023 (Preliminary exam) from the official website, exams.nta.ac.in. The NTA will be conducting this recruitment exam to fill 553 vacancies under the DR quota in the patent office. The exam will be held on December 21, 2023, in 103 cities across the country. A total of 89,657 candidates have registered for this exam.
All candidates have already received the city intimation slip and examination date for the Patent and Designs Examiner Recruitment exam 2023. To download their admit card for the Preliminary exam, candidates must use their application number and date of birth. The NTA has advised students to carefully read the instructions provided in the admit card and the Information Bulletin.
NTA help desk
He stated that the candidates should thoroughly read the subject-specific instructions and other instructions mentioned in the question paper and comply with them. It further mentioned that if any candidate encounters any difficulty in downloading the admit card, they can contact 011-40759000 or send an email to ntaexam@nta.ac.in. Admit cards for the upcoming phases will be released at a later date for all eligible candidates. The candidates are recommended to regularly visit the official websites, nta.ac.in and exams.nta.ac.in, for the most recent updates.
Also Read: https://collegekampus.com/blog/jharkhand-nmms-exam-2023-postponed-new-date/
The Patent and Designs Examiner Recruitment Exam 2023 will be conducted in four stages. Initially, the students are required to participate in the preliminary exams. Once the candidates are selected, they will proceed to Mains I and Mains II exams, which are descriptive in nature. Subsequently, the chosen candidates will be called for an interview. The outcome of the preliminary exam will be declared in the first week of January, 2024.
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4. Parul University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
5. Chandigarh University | Admissions Open for All Courses 2024. Apply Now
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