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P.G. Campus :
Initially The P.G. Courses, M.Com(1991) and M.C.A.(1994) were launched on the College Campus. But in the year 1995 a separate P.G.Campus was inaugurated by shifting M.Com from the Main Campus. In the same year three more P.G.Courses viz., M.Sc in Maths, M.A. in Economics, M.A. in Political Science were sanctioned and commenced. Since then M.Sc. Physics (1997) M.A. History (1998), M.Sc. Computer Sciences (1999), P.G.Diploma in Management and Computer Applications (2000), M.Sc.(IS), M.Sc., Chemistry (2005) have been Gradually added. Bachelor of Computer Applications was also started in the P.G.Campus in the year 1998.All the courses run on the P.G.Campus were sanctioned by the A.P. State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad, and affiliated to Nagarjuna University. To suit the needs of class rooms, a two-storied new building Brihaspati was constructed housing Commerce Block, Computers Block and Arts Block which were inaugurated by Prof. C. Subba Rao, Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education, Hyderabad; Sri J.Satyannarayana, Commessionar & I.G. for Registrations,Govt. of A.P. and Prof. C.V. Raghavalu, Vice-Chancellor, Nagarjuna University, respectively on 04th January, 1999. Presently, 12 sister concerned institutions are catering education needs of Guntur and surrounding areas. The institutions cover Secondary, Higher Secondary, Graduate and Post-Graduate levels of education. The disciplines offered include Humanities, Sciences, Engineering, Technology, Education and Pharmacy indeed a wide spectrum of useful and employment worthy courses- To edify and engage the denied segments of the general public
- To move the potential teachers towards the vision of perfection
- To prepare the speakers inside the utilization of creative innovations inside the instructing learning strategy